District Services & Administration Buildings
The final metal work for the canopy and landscaping at the new District Services training center recently finished. Once the grass comes in, it will be the finished touch to this newly remodeled space. The next thing on schedule for these areas will be a parking lot replacement at the District Services building and the Administration building which will be starting Mid June after the students summer break begins.
New Robert L. Nickels Intermediate
The exterior of the building is coming along great with lots of finishing touches being added! All of the brick work is complete and a beautiful stone product is being installed around the columns at the entry of the building and can be seen in many other areas such as the planter beds outside of the building.
A lot of classrooms are getting flooring installed, doors hung, marker/tack boards installed and will have ceilings closed up soon.
The gym flooring started recently and the subbase for the wood flooring is being laid in the photos below. After the entire base is installed, the install of the individual wood planks will begin. These will then be painted and finished with Byron Center's colors and logo.
K-4 Renovation (Old Robert L. Nickels Int.)
The masonry work for the small two classroom edition is underway. Once the students start summer break and the staff moves out of the building the full renovation of this building will begin and be completed for the opening of the 2024 school year.
Upcoming Projects
WMS Media Center Remodel - June Start
Football Field Turf Replacement - June Start
HS Band Parking Lot Practice Field Resurfacing and Striping - June Start
Admin and Countryside Parking Lot Replacement